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Sergey Y. SokolovIn: Laboratory of Geomorphology and Ocean Floor Tectonicsof Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Back to Staff Members Page Back to Main Page |
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Критический взгяд на реальность. (Фото Мазаровича А.О., 2007)
A critical look at the reality. (Foto by Mazarovich A.O., 2007). |
Море зовет самых настырных и проницательных. (Фото Добролюбовой К.О.,
Ocean is challenging for active and "sapienti" people. (Foto by Dobrolubova K.O., 2006). |
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Это я. В Хьюстоне. Вы можете определить это по выражению лица. (Фото
Мазаровича А.О., 1995)
This is Me. In Houston. You, probably, could notify it from look expression. (Photo by Mazarovich A.O., 1995). |
Когда суровые будни в радость.... (Где то на экваторе в январе месяце)
When the hard days are a pleasure.... (Somewhere at the equator in January) |
Будь готов (лозунг пионеров и бойскаутов). (Фото Чамова Н.П., 2006)
Be prepared (a sloogan of pioneers an boyscauts). (Foto by Chamov N.P., 2006) |
Citizenship: Russia (Soviet Union)
Place and date of birth: Moscow, January 28, 1959
Moscow State University, Geological Faculty, Geophysical Division,
P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow: 1981-1985, Post-graduate courses.
Research Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Information
Systems, Russian Ministry of Geology, Moscow: 1990, Ph.D. in Geophysics.
1980-1981, Diploma work at P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS,
1982-1984, engineer at P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow.
1984-1986, researcher at O.Yu.Schmidt Institute of physics of Earth
RAS, Moscow.
Since 1986 - researcher at Geological Institute RAS, Moscow.
(January-August 1995 - research assistant at University of Houston,
Participation at:
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 7 cruise,
April 1988 - August 1988,
geophysical exploration in the Central
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 11 cruise,
August 1990 - December 1990,
geophysical exploration in the Central
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 16 cruise,
February 1993 - June 1993,
geophysical exploration at Romanche
fracture zone.
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 18 cruise,
January 1994 - June 1994,
geophysical exploration at Bouvet Triple
Research experience at Amoco Eurasia (Houston) Caspian Sea Project,
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 19 cruise,
January 1998 - March 1998,
geophysical exploration at Vema fracture
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 22 cruise,
April 2000 - July 2000,
geophysical exploration at San Paulu,
Vema, Bogdanov and Sierra-Leone
fracture zones and Cape-Verde basin.
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 23 cruise,
December 2005 - February 2006,
geophysical exploration at Batimetristi
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 24 cruise,
August 2006 - November 2006,
geophysical exploration Knipovich ridge.
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 25 cruise,
August 2007 - September 2007,
geophysical exploration at Barents sea
and Knipovich ridge.
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 26 cruise,
December 2008 - January 2009,
geophysical exploration at Barents sea
and Knipovich ridge.
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 27 cruise,
August 2010 - September 2010,
geophysical exploration at Barents sea
and Knipovich ridge.
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 28-bis cruise,
August 2010,
geophysical exploration at Franz-Joseph
Land area.
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 28 cruise,
August 2011 - September 2011,
geophysical exploration at Southern
Barents sea former "gray zone".
Expedition on R/V "Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov" 29 cruise,
September 2012 - November 2012,
geophysical exploration at South-West
Indian Ridge.
SOKOLOV, SERGEY YURIEVICH, geophysicist; b. Moscow, Jan. 28, 1959;
m. Elena Leonidovna Dmitrieva, May 25, 1979; children: Nikolay Sergeevich,
Anna Sergeevna Sokolova. Magister Sci. in Geophysics, Moscow State U.,
1981; PhD in Geophysics, P.P. Shirshov Inst. Oceanology RAS, Moscow, 1986;
D, Res.lnst. Geol., Geochemistry. Geophysics Inf. Sys. Russian Min. Geology,
1990. Rschr. O.Yu.Schmidt Inst. physics Earth RAS, 1984-86; leading rschr.
Geol. Inst. RAS, 1986-, expeditions & field worker atlantic and arctic,
1988-. Contbr. scientific papers to publs. Prin. Investigator grant, Russian
Found. Basic Rsch., 2006-09. Achievements include research in tectonic
zonation of atlantic ocean by cluster analysis; mechanism horizontal lithosphere
plates movements by inertia tensor components redistribution; association
of Earth crust degasation with negative gravity anomalies; association
Mid-Oceanic ridges hydrothermal fields with areas of weak seismicity regime.
Office: Geol Inst RAS Pyzhevsky per 7 Moscow 119017 Russia Office Phone:
7 495 9590231. Office Fax: 7 495 9510443. Business E-Mail: sysokolov@yandex.ru.