The historical aspects of Laboratory are described from domestic
viewpoint and could not reflect wide spectrum of opinions of other researchers,
who ever have cooperated with Laboratory activities. In progress of this
Page further development, some corrections or additions are available. (Text of this historical overview could be downloaded
in PDF format)
The Geological Institute always paid attention to study of different aspects
of tectonics, lithology and stratigraphy of World ocean and transitive
zones. Still in 40 - 70 years were published detailed works on tectonics
of the seas and oceans by A.D. Arkhangelsky, M.V.Muratov, N.S.Shatsky,
P.N. Kropotkin, A.V. Peyve, Yu.M. Puscharovsky and etc. The studies in
area of lithology by Strakhov N.M., Timofeev P.P., Khvorova I.V. and etc.,
are well known in Russia and abroad. Moreover, the general management
of researches on problems of World ocean, that was carried out, in particular,
by Yu.M. Puscharovsky, always took into account the importance of this
field of knowledge from Earth sciences in common stream of science development.
Till 1956 in Institute there was a Sea geological group, supervised by
M.V.Klenova, which carried out researches of sedimentary cover in the Caspian,
Black and Azov seas. The subjects of works was closely connected to problems
petroleum potential. In structure of this group have been working Soloviev
V.F., Rikhter V.G., Skornyakova N.S., Kulakova N.R., Lavrov V.M., Barash
M.S., Aleksina I.A., Vikhrenko N.M., Savelyeva K.P., Agapova G.V.. By results
of their studies the first Atlas of the Caspian sea sediments and series
facial maps was created. In Institute there was no research vessel, that,
probably, and has become the main reason for transition of group to Shirshov
of Oceanology (SIO AN), in which its basic part has continued researches
in Atlantic and other oceans and seas.
In described time in SIO AN for a long time had already existed the department
of sea geology headed by P.L. Bezrukov, which structure has included the
employees of Geological Institute sea group. The department promptly developed
in process of growing interest to researches of World ocean in various
aspects. In particular, since 1949 there was a group of cartography in
department headed by G.B.Udintsev,
which partially included employee updating from Geological Institute. This
group also developed by fast rates, and the basic direction of development
was creation of a complex of various research methods for application to
the main object of group - World ocean bottom. It achieved the rather
important result - multilateral complex scope of problems of ocean floor
structure and, as a consequence, its more complete analysis. The new employees
of group from Geological Institute (and not only) should adapt for the
existing tendency of development, in which, by the way, the special importance
was given to geophysical methods of researches.
By the end of the 50-th years the group was developed in a Cabinet, and
steel to be planned the tendencies to a stratification inside group depending
on specialization. Besides this, the accent on geophysical methods was
in a strong degree stimulated by approaching of the International Geophysical
Year (1958) and its consequences (for development of science). The further
development of a Cabinet resulted in formation in the beginning of the
60-th years of Sector for ocean floor geophysics of SIO AN, headed by G.B.Udintsev,
with numerous internal divisions on oceanographical and geophysical specializations
(including cartography and geomorphology). In this structural kind Sector
has been existing for long time, marked by numerous expeditions and discoverings
in the field of fundamental and applied researches of World ocean floor.
The Geological Institute supported all this time close scientific contacts
with SIO AN and in the beginning of the 70-th years the joint 49-th leg
of R/V «Vityaz» in Pacific ocean was held, after which the employees of
Geological Institute participated practically in all legs of R/V « Dmitrii
Mendeleev », « Academik Kurchatov» and etc.
In the meantime, in 1976 Sector for ocean floor geophysics of SIO AN staff
members for technical reasons have separated into approximately two equal
parts, one of which, headed by G.B.Udintsev, has passed in Institute
of physics of Earth AN USSR, where on its base under the initiative
of V.V.Belousov two friendly Laboratories were created: laboratory of geomorphology
(G.B.Udintsev) and laboratory of marine seismoacoustics (A.F.Beresnev).
The existence of these Laboratories under aegis of Institute of physics
of Earth, which had not the vessel, nevertheless was accompanied
by sea forwarding studies, and, that is more important, enrichment of experience
of Laboratories by the traditional physical and global approach to the
decision of applied geophysical problems on research of ocean floor structure.
In the beginning of the 80-th years in Geological Institute experience
of participation in marine works together with SIO AN and analysis of the
tendencies of global tectonic ideas development brought the Institute headquarters,
led by A.V.Peyve, to understanding of expediency of a research vessel purchase.
Thus, from middle of the 80-th years was determined new research direction
to many (but not for all) employees of Geological Institute - tectonic
research at oceans. The employees of laboratories (at this time some more
included in structure of Institute of physics of Earth) officially take
part in designing the specialized geological-geophysical vessel for Geological
Institute and Institute of geochemistry
and analytical chemistry. After huge organizational work of many employees
of Institute and, first of all, Yu.M.Puscharovsky, the Geological Institute
has become the shipowner of R/V "Academik
Nikolaj Strakhov", in which first legs, alongside with the own experts,
the experts from Institute of physics of Earth (laboratories of G.B.Udintsev
and A.F.Beresnev) participated.
And here, in 1986 for more high-grade maintenance of geomorphologic and
geophysical researches of ocean on basis of R/V "Academik Nikolaj Strakhov"
the group of the experts headed by G.B.Udintsev and A.F.Beresnev, consisting
approximately from 20 employees, was invited in Geological Institute, having
by then the status of two Laboratories in Institute of physics of Earth.
In passed group of employees there were experts in floor geomorphology,
sea cartography, continuous seismic profiling, magnetometry, mathematical
data processing, dredging and processing of rock material, and also sea
engineers. The status of this scientific group as two independent laboratories
any time was kept in Geological Institute, but then laboratories were incorporated
in one. In other words, scientific group having wide experience of sea
works realization, data processing (including computer based) and revealing
of scientific (fundamental and applied) results on sea subjects has joined
Geological Institute. On the part of Geological Institute this step was
rather expedient, as the formation of similar groups is long process and
can not take place suddenly from zero. Since 1989 Laboratory of geomorphology
and ocean floor tectonics (so has become now to refer the group passed
in Geological Institute) is supervised by
In 1992 a part of Laboratory (the approximately half) led by G.B.Udintsev,
for technical reasons has passed in V.I.Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry
and analytical chemistry, where also there was a necessity for maintenance
of geomorphologic and geophysical researches of ocean, but already on board
of R/V "Academik Boris Petrov", belonging to Institute of geochemistry,
where continues successfully to work now.
The part of Laboratory staff members, who has stayed in Geological Institute
and has made (thus and somewhat) a closed circle, having long-term experience
of sea works, and enriched (in addition to experience acquired in Institute
of physics of Earth) this time already by experience of traditional tectonic
approach, is continuing its traditional job: solving of applied geophysical
problems on research of ocean floor structure, simultaneously reflecting
the achieved results on the given Web Pages in Internet.